Hello, It's Me

Cathy Grace Solinap

And I'm a

Career-driven and motivated person to be able to have a spot in IT-Industry to share my knowledge and creativity to develop an excellent and functional projects which will help to solve client/business problems.

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About Me

Frontend Developer!

Let me give you brief information about myself. You can call me Kath, 25 years old turning this year. Reading, singing, and eating are some of my passions. I always take every challenges that came and turn into opportunity as experience to improve myself. I was able to do programming as such, Web Development,C#, etc. At first, it was really hard, however if you put some efforts and passions to study programming language, eventually you will appreciate the result in learning programming and find it useful in many ways.

Overview Skills







Latest Project

EMS Project

This project covers front-end Employess-Management-System using HTML, CSS, BOOTSTRAP


This project allows you to store, add, delete, edit your list plans, and help you in everyday schedule. This is just a simple todo-list which bunch javascript code, html5, CSS3

Weather App Project

This is a website weather tracker which you can search which city your in, this allows you to forecast the Weather in a certain location by just search and it will shows the current forecast or weather. This website uses Javascript, HTML5, CSS3

Augmented Reality Alphabets Project

Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user's view of the real world. Thus, providing a composite view whereas AR adds digital elements to a live view often by using the camera on a smart phone. The AR provides new experience of technology for the users.

Relevant Experiences

Payment Officer

April 2022 - May 2022

Supervision of deposit and withdrawal transaction, recording the incoming deposit entry, submitting and preparation of reports for reconcilation of accounts. Handling different withdrawal and deposit station. Reporting and Auditing with Finance Department

2021-2022 Payment Officer

April 2019 - March 2020

As Payment Officer, I was the one who supervise both withdrawal and deposit transaction. Updating daily reports, reconcilation of daily accounts and work closely with supervisor and finance to audit the income and withdrawl transaction daily and monthly.

2020-2021 (SEO Specialist)

April 2019 - March 2020

Searh Engine Optimization Specialist are marketing professional which responsible, to enhance and improve the website's ranking on Search Engine like Google, Bing, Yahoo etc.

2019 Startek Iloilo

May 2018 - August 2018

As Talent Acquisition trainee, more like apprenticeship which resoponsible for outsourcing, interviewing, examination, hiring and onboarding employees, all while factoring in the long-term goals of an organization.

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